Greetings all,
I wanted to let everyone know that I have requested of the Board of our sangha and our leadership at the New York Betsuin a brief leave of absence. I will resume the leadership of our regular activities in January of 2016. In the interim, the sangha's bi-weekly meetings and other activities will continue under the excellent direction of Junsen Chris Nettles, who has my every confidence and is my trusted friend and collaborator.
This leave is necessary because I am on a strict deadline--one that caught me off guard--to complete my dissertation. And this deadline has me working, working, working at all hours I can manage.I am in good health and in good cheer, but for being stuck in a chair most of the time.
Thank you all for your goodwill, patience, and understanding during this time.
Yours in friendship and gratitude,
Jikan Daniel Anderson