23 February 2015

Contemplation: Catching Sight of Others

After reviewing the guidelines for practice, take the following as your contemplation:
catching sight of others, think
That it will be through them
That you come to Buddhahood.
So look on them with open, loving hearts.
Santideva, The Way of the Bodhisattva, p. 73

17 February 2015

Announcement: Tonight's meditation is cancelled

Due to inclement weather, tonight's regularly scheduled meditation at the UUCA is cancelled.  I encourage everyone to please: Take good care of your health, attend to the needs of your neighbors as best you can, and make some time for nembutsu practice--an excellent way to brighten up a cold hour.  Here are some instructions that should get you going on that.

16 February 2015

Contemplation: Speak with Honest Words

After reviewing the guidelines for practice, take the following as your contemplation:
Speak with honest words, coherently,
With candor, in a clear, harmonious voice.
Abandon partiality, rejection, and attraction,
And speak with moderation, gently.
Santideva, The Way of the Bodhisattva, p. 73

09 February 2015

Contemplation: The Goal of Every Act

After reviewing the guidelines for practice, take the following as your contemplation:
The goal of every act is happiness itself,
Though, even with great wealth, it's rarely found.
So take your pleasure in the qualities of others.
Let them be a heartfelt joy to you.
Santideva, The Way of the Bodhisattva, p. 73

02 February 2015

Contemplation: All who speak the truth

After reviewing the guidelines for the practice, take the following as your contemplation:
Praise all who speak the truth,
And say, "Your words are excellent."
And when you notice others acting well,
Encourage them in terms of warm approval.
Santideva, The Way of the Bodhisattva, p. 72