Unobstructed and indeterminate,
Store consciousness is continuously flowing and changing.
At the same time, it is endowed
With the five universal mental formations.
Thich Nhat Hanh, Transformation at the Base, p. 10
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Unobstructed and indeterminate,
Store consciousness is continuously flowing and changing.
At the same time, it is endowed
With the five universal mental formations.
All manifestations bear the marks
Of both the individual and the collective.
The maturation of store consciousness functions in the same way
In its participation in the different stages and realms of being.
Manifestations from store consciousness
Can be perceived directly in the mode of things-in-themselves,
As representations, or as mere images.
All are included in the eighteen elements of being.
The function of store consciousnessfrom Transformation at the Base by Thich Nhat Hanh, p. 10
is to receive and maintain
Seeds and their habit energies,
So they can manifest in the world, or remain dormant.
The quality of our lifeThich Nhat Hanh, Transformation at the Base, p. 10
Depends on the quality
Of the seeds
That lie deep in our consciousness.